Cheerful Giving! What if?

From the Co-Chairs

Dear Friends, 

If you are reading this letter, thank you for joining us on this stewardship adventure! We have enjoyed thinking about St. Paul’s and the future ahead!

Have you ever read the book Stone Soup? Two hungry travelers walk into a village and ask for food. No one will share. The two decide to make their magical stone soup recipe. They start with boiling water and a stone. The villagers turn into spectators and the magic ensues. The soup will be tastier IF someone shares a carrot! IF someone shares a potato! IF someone shares a little meat! IF someone shares green beans. You get the picture. The soup turns out to be delicious and a treat for the whole village. It ends with the recipe…  “Bring what you’ve got. Put it in the pot. Every bit counts, from the largest to the least. Together, we can celebrate a Stone Soup feast!”

Do you remember the story of the Loaves and Fishes? Jesus used five loaves of bread and two fish to feed 5000 people! Later, he fed another 4000 people with seven loaves and a few fish!

These stories are very different. The first reminds us… Working together is good. Sharing what you have is good. Feasting with each other is good.  The second story reminds us of the same things as the first…but there’s a twist. Jesus is the chef and he feeds 9000!  It’s BETTER than good!

We’re hoping you attended the “Cheerful Giving! What If?” Kickoff on Sunday, September 29th. If you missed it, stream it! We invite you to read what’s in this packet.  It’s chock full of sweet reflections and ways to share. What If? We bet it will be better than Stone Soup, but the sky’s the limit on what Jesus does with it.

In this together,

Ricky and Sally Shore


Each fall, St. Paul’s asks every parishioner to make a financial commitment to support the ongoing ministries of church during the coming year. If you are new to the church or about to make your first-ever pledge, we hope these questions and answers will be helpful.

What is a pledging?

Pledging is your heartfelt, faithful spiritual practice to financially support the ministries and programs of St. Paul’s for the coming year. It is a personal example of gratitude that you have for all our God has given to you and your family.

Why not simply make non-pledge contributions?

Pledges provide the Vestry with an estimate of expected income essential to the preparation of the church’s annual budget. St. Paul’s simply cannot operate and thrive without a reasonable estimate of its financial resources. Your pledge reinforces the importance of God and St. Paul’s in your life. St. Paul’s does not include non-pledge contributions of the previous year in the budget preparations or the approaching year. When non-pledge contributions are received, they are used to supplement the budget for the current year.

How much should I pledge?

Your pledge is a personal decision between God, you and your family. It should be grounded in your faith, love and commitment to God’s work through St. Paul’s. It requires reflection, prayer, and priority.

Is my pledge confidential?

Yes. Pledges are kept confidential.

How can I pay my pledge?

Cash or Check (no fees)
Include name and 2025 Pledge in memo line.Bank Draft (no fees)
Provide a voided check with your pledge card. The draft is on or close to the 20th of the month and is drafted directly from the office.

Credit Card Draft (lowest fees)

The Parish Accountant processs these on the 20th of the month or close to it. Please provide that information on your pledge card or call and speak with the Director of Stewardship for more information. (2.9%-3.5%)

Visit or download the free Giving app from the Apple or Android app store to create a giving account. With a giving account, you can set up recurring gifts, give to multiple funds at once, manage multiple payment methods, and view your giving record at any time. Even if you are setting up your pledge payments via Tithely, we ask that you still return a completed pledge card. does not notify us of new pledge payments.

Donor Advised Funds, Stocks, and IRA Contributions

We are happy to work with your advisors and bank representatives. Please let the Director of Stewardship know if you are utilizing this option. We have had gifts come in the past without parishioners’ names on them and would like to be good stewards of your gifts as they are received and intended to be used.

Pledge Pre-Payments

If you wish to prepay your 2025 pledge on or before December 31st, 2024, please note on the memo line of a check or go to and find the 2025 Pledge Pre-Payment option.

Do you accept pre-payments for next year’s pledge?

Yes. We are glad to accept pre-payments. Please let us know on your pledge card that you plan to pay your 2025 pledge in advance.

What if I need to update and change my pledge amount?

We understand that life’s circumstances do change, often unexpectedly. Contact Victoria Bass to have your pledge amount adjusted at any time during the year.

Want to know more?

Contact the Director of Stewardship, at 336-723-4391, ext. 1210, or Council available upon request.